A guide to the perfect throw
Throwing the javelin isn’t an easy task. It takes a lot of practice to avoid injury. The throwing technique needs to be correct. Before beginning of training sessions, stretching of the arms and shoulders should be done properly. These parts are involved in the act of throwing the javelin.
Know the grip
There are three different types of javelin throwing grips. The javelin should lie horizontally to the shoulder, with the palm facing upward. The three types of grips are:
- American Grip
- Finnish Grip
- “V” Grip

How to run-up?
Hold the javelin high over the head and the elbow should be leveled with the neckline. The javelin should be pointed towards the target with the tip pointed slightly down. While taking first strides, hips should be perpendicular to the target area. Strides before throwing vary from 10 to 18, depending upon the players. During the final strides, the planting foot should turn opposite from throwing hand and be pointed towards the target. Throwing arm should be at shoulder height and the leg should cross over before pulling the javelin for throw.
All about the throw!
Almost 80% of the launching speed is generated drying this phase. The front leg must be extended to ensure a high point of release.
Turn the right hip quickly forward and up to bring it square with the delivery area. The chest and shoulders must follow in rapid succession.
- The right elbow will follow by rotating outwards and up, alongside the head (2), while the right shoulder is pulled through and the arm is ‘whipped over the shoulder’ with a vigorous forward and upward extension. The “whipping” action should be a result of the hip / chest / shoulder movement, and not an action on its own. The delivery arm must start its final action when the hand is above the shoulder.
- Keep the left arm relaxed, next to the body and then remain firm (blocked) during the final thrust of the right side of the body. It must not be allowed to sweep too far backwards.
- The eyes must look forward towards the point of the javelin to avoid the shoulders from turning.
- The launching takes place above the left foot. The outward rotation of the elbow along with the release of the fingers on the javelin causes the javelin to rotate clockwise to create stability during flight.
Things to avoid
- Grasping the javelin with a tight fist.
- Jumping upwards during the final strides.
- Shoulder facing front to bend the trunk forward.
- Bending of the throwing arm and taking the javelin off its throwing line.
- Throwing around the right side of the body
Make these your aim
- Hold the javelin along the length of the hand.
- Widen the final strides and gradually increase the flexion of the right leg.
- Run straight during the approach.
- Keep the body weight over the back leg.
- With left shoulder in closed position, get a twist between the upper and lower body.
- Keep the throwing arm straight and the palm of the throwing hand uppermost.
- Keep the left leg front and brace it.
- Arch the body in the throwing position and keep the elbow up during the throw.
Must-do exercises for throwers
Javelin is a power throwing event. Although the javelin is quite light, javelin throwers must be strong, fast and athletic to be able to launch the javelin as far as possible. They should practice the following exercises:
Towel Slap