Sports Science India (SSI) is conducting a Webinar on “Functional approach on adductor related groin Injuries” with none other than Bram Swinnen, An expert in High Performance Training and Rehabilitation, Author of Strength training for Soccer.

Webinar Date and Time :

Date : 17th Jan 2023

Indian Timing : 6:00 PM.

Belgium Timing : 1:30 PM.

Bram is a world wide authority on Velocity based training and Sport Specific Brain Training. He’s the High Performance Coach of KRC Genk, who are top of the Jupiler Pro League in Belgium.
He has more than 20 years experience in elite track and field, tennis, basketball and soccer.

A functional approach to adductor-related groin injuries

Muscle strains are the most prevalent type of injury in sports, with the majority affecting the hamstring and adductor muscles. There is also a high incidence of recurring strains, which are more serious than the original injury and require a longer absence from training and competition.
In spite of the belief in sports medicine that especially muscle injuries are preventable, muscle strain injury and re-injury rates have not improved over the last 30 years.  In this presentation the injury mechanisms and risk factors associated with groin strain injury are identified. 
There is evidence to support that altered activation patterns are also implicated in the mechanism of adductor strain injuries and reinjuries. This presentation focusses on the rehab and training interventions to address the risk factors and exercises that help to restore proper activation patterns and intermuscular coordination.




